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Writer's pictureBrandy

What has Covid-19 taught you?

I can tell you I will never look at toilet paper or germ-x the same again!! Who would have ever thought our country would run out of those things? I still have not found germ-x.

When the spread of the virus started we were told to social distance ourselves. I can tell you that have been a true struggle. I love people, I love giving hugs, I love visiting with my family and friends, I love attending our church on Sunday's and we enjoy going out for dinner on occasions. The little things such as these are easy to take for granted; I am guilty of doing that myself.

Never did I think I would not be able to do those things, never did I think I would be told we can't gather in church on Sundays, thank God for technology!

Never did I think I would have to tell my daughter stay in for a several days and see how you are feeling before coming home for a visit;

Never did I think you would not be able to drop in at your girlfriends for a quick visit. In just a matter of weeks all those things we always thought we could do whenever we felt like it suddenly became a No. I will always look at these simple things from a whole new perspective from now on.

Another thing that has been a major eye opener is that we spend way to much money on eating out! Wow! I have fixed several meals for around $10 and had leftovers for the next day. That is for 2 but to know I can cook and have dinner for 2 for $5 that for sure has been a wake up call!!

Covid19 has truly stopped the world from spinning, as we know it. It is a very sad and difficult time right now. So many are sick, lives have been lost, jobs have been lost, people are trying to figure out how to pay mortgages or rent, how to provide food for their families, moms and dads that still have to work and are wondering what to do with their children, so much left to question. I would like to pause right here and say "thank you to our nurses and doctors" you are true hero’s in all this!

During such stressful times can lead to anger, depression, loneliness, a feeling of thinking there is no way out, wondering if will we survive this or when will this end. Let me stop you right there and tell you this too shall pass. We are not promised an easy life, sometimes life throws all kinds of curves at us but we must find a way to rejoice through it.

One thing I have continued to ask God for during cover-19 is wisdom. God says when you have troubles or when you go through pain to never waste it, to find the good that came out of it and to use it. Maybe not right now but one day we will look back and see the good that came out of Covid-19.

God tells us that when we go through pain to never waste it. To take that pain you went through and to share with others that maybe going through what you have already been through. I heard a pastor once say, learn from others mistakes, life is too short to make all the mistakes on your own. What better person to get advice from than someone that has been through the exact thing your going through.

I will leave you with a couple of verses that my church family and I are claiming during this time and I pray it brings a little comfort and hope to you as well. Psalm 91 and 2 Chronicles 7:14.

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