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Setting Goals

At the end of every year my husband and I try to sit down and set goals for what we would like to accomplish for the next year. Goals for ourselves and goals for our businesses. I think goals and vision boards are good to make and keep in front of you. If I dont set goals I feel I am just coasting through so to say.

I set a goal for my busines like have done the last couple of years. I will tell you it was quiet the goal a Big Goal the kind you know is only going to happen with Lord's help. My husband was skeptical on last years goal by the way with the Lord's help we achieved that goal and more. Praise The Lord above! So this year he just potietly said Mrs. that will be great but if not you have done an amazing job. I replied The Lord says to ask and to dream big so I am.

I have asked and for sure been dreaming Big! I have prayed and prayed to be where we are right now at my little shop. It has not always been easy in fact we have had some very difficult times and knew we were only going to make it with the Lord's help. I have worked hard for 10 years at my little shop prayed a lot of prayers and shed some tears too along the way but right now in this moment we are living what we prayed and dreamed of for our little shop. Thank you Lord Jesus for all my Blessings!

I would not be where I am today without my Father The Lord Jesus walking with me and pouring out His blessings and favor! I owe all that I am and all that I have to Him. He deserves all the Honor and Praise.

If you are praying for something or dreaming of something I tell you to take it to The Lord be bold and ask. We serve a might God a Big God a God that loves us and wants to bless us. Chances are when you tell others of your dream and goals they will probably think your crazy but Never Ever underestimate the Power of The Lord! I am living proof of that.

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