Several months ago I set a sales goal for my little shop. A goal that I knew only God could permit me to attain. I shared this goal with my husband he was to not too sure that it could happen. We both agreed if the store could come close we would be more than excited. Yesterday we achieved that goal!! We achieved and passed it with still a few days till Christmas. God is Great!! I still don’t know what to think but Thank You Lord!! Never ever underestimate the power of The Lord!! We have had the best year in 5 years! I don’t say that to boast or brag I say that to never give up on your goals and to never underestimate what The Lord can do through you. He can give you all the resources you need to attain your goals as long as it lines up with His perfect plan for your life!
If you have set a goal and it seems like you will not get there listen to me now Don’t Give Up!!