I am currently living one of the things I spent so many years praying for!
I keep asking myself is this true or is it all a dream but it is very much so true❤️
I find myself still in a little shock which I should not be because anything is possible with the power of the Lord! I am forever grateful! Never stop praying or having hope that the Lord hears your prayers.
I am now asking the questions, what now? Will it continue? Will it all come crashing down? Will it continue to grow? I think we have to remind ourselves to not assume or think negative but continue to trust in the Lord! Remember the Lord has lead you this far He will for sure continue to lead you. Our job is to continue to trust in Him and follow His direction and to remember He only wants the best for us and for our lives. Each and every day we have to find joy no matter what our circumstances are.
If the Lord is for us who can be against us!! That has always stuck with me!
We don’t know what the future holds but we do know the One who holds the future!