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Writer's pictureBrandy

Going Through The Valley

Sometimes life will through you completely off track. I have found myself wondering how, why and where did this come from? I have found myself on the floor unable to pick myself back up while I was there I kept hearing God say, come on my child I got you. I found myself an absolute complete wreak, unable to move, my heart completely shattered, the only thing I could do was cry out to my Lord for help. During that moment you feel all is lost, and there is no hope in the situation but when you walk with the Lord you know He is right there. He is right there to pick you up because you for sure don't deserve to be on the floor. God never intended you for you to end up there and my friend if you find yourself there don't stay too long. You start crying out for help because God will not only rescue you He will take you, stand you right back up and help you navigate through the situation. You may find yourself so hurt and broken to the point you don't know what to pray or how, rest assured it's ok because God knows your heart and is already working the situation out.

When you're going through a life crisis you start looking back. You start seeing where God had already been at work preparing you for what you're going through. He had already put scripture, bible studies, conversations with friends to help get through the tough time you're facing. What an awesome God we serve!

When the enemy tries to fill you with doubt, don't let him. You hold on tight to God and His word. When you have God you can rest knowing you're in great hands! God promises to always be close to the broken-hearted, He tells us that in Psalm 34.

In all trials we go through we are to learn from them. Although when your going through a crisis you just want to fix it and make the pain go away. You start asking why? Why me Father? What am I suppose to learn from this? Why does it have to hurt so much? Was there not an easier way for me to learn? Jesus does not let us go through pain for nothing, Jesus does not want to see us hurt or in pain but He is more interested in growing our character, shaping us for His plan and purpose. It's hard but we do learn through pain.

When you're going through a crisis or find yourself in a place you never thought you would be. Hold tight to God, His Word and His promises. He will walk through the valley with you and you will get to mountain again one day!

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