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Writer's pictureBrandy

Girls Girls!

Having a girl and owing a boutique I am always around girls. I have watched some of these girls grow up and to me they are like my own. I normally employee a couple of girls to help out at the boutique they become like mine as well. You see them go through different stages of life. The one stage that is always a conversation at home or at the shop seems to be about boys and dating.

These girls have high expectations as which they should have but when you listen to them they are not really asking for a lot. They want to go on real dates they want to be courted. They want to talk on the phone not always just text or snap. They want the guy to attend church with them. They want to hangout with friends as well as them each have guy/girl time. They are looking for someone that has goals and working towards those goals. When you think about it these are all normal things to expect. Why is this complicated?

Where did the time go of the guy coming to ring your door bell and meet your parents?

Seems today they text or snap to meet up somewhere. Girls if your off in college or living on your own, he can still come ring your door bell. Never ever allow the guy to sit outside and blow their horn!! Girls set your standards and keep them if he cares enough he will do whatever it takes to spend time with you.

When I would hear of my daughter be interested in a guy I was immediately doing a full investigation. I wanted to know who his parents were, where he went to church, what his teachers thought of him, I had a million questions after all its up to us parents to protect our children and guide them through this stage of dating.

My advice to my girl has always been, You were created for a purpose. Life is not all about you. God has a plan and purpose just for you. Spend time with God to learn what that plan and purpose is. When you figure that out, you will start living the dream God has for your life. The dream God has for your life is far more than you could ever imagine. No matter how many times you get off track God's dream for your life is still the same. Stay true to yourself. Gain as much knowledge as you can. Don't fill your schedule up so much that your running from one thing to the next. Its better to marry late and right. Always remember its ok to ask for advice from someone older and wiser and someone who is led by God, life is too short for you to make all the mistakes. Chances are they have already been through what you're going through. Never ever forget your mom will always be your #1 fan and only wants what is best for you.

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