You ever wake up and decide ok enough is enough things have to change. That happened for me. I am at the point with my weight and the way I look and feel that enough is enough time to take charge and do something about it. I am always complaining and I am never happy with any photo taken of me. I decided to join the gym and hire a personal trainer. I have changed the way I eat I have never been one to eat bad but I am terrible to go all day without eating and wait till dinner time to eat. I have never really worked out so I needed some help from a professional. I will keep you posted on this journey!
As I have made all the steps to get my body physically in shape I never want to get so focused on working on the outside that I stop working on the inside. To be in shape physically is good but it should never replace the time and effort to get our inner self in shape. Our spiritual shape is far more important than our physical shape.
Balancing life, marriage, kids, home, and work can sometimes be overwhelming. Trying to be all everyone else needs and still maintain a little time to focus on you can be challenging.
If you don't have a daily devotional I encourage you to find one and read it first thing when you wake up before you check email, text or social media have a few minutes with Jesus. It will make a great start to your day!