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Easter Sunday

He is Risen!!

As I set and reflect on the the week, the time leading to the crucifixion. To think my Lord loved me enough to give up his one and only Son for me. I also can’t help but to think about Mary and how it was heart breaking to watch her Son be mocked and crucified. To watch her Son go through all the pain and agony. I can’t imagine.

I love my children and grandchildren more than life itself.

This Easter I am praying for a miracle to be done within my family. I am praying that my oldest son can beat his addiction, that and that my family can be reunited.

Drug addiction does not just effect the user but the whole family. I am praying that one day soon I can have my whole family together. What a reunion that will be!

I love seeing all the Easter pictures of families together. I hope they realize just who blessed they are to be able to have all their children and grandchildren together and to never take it for granted.

The Lord says to ask and you shall receive, Father I am asking for a miracle to be done within my family!

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