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Doing Life With Your Adult Children!!

As my children have gotten older, I have learned that my role in parenting changes.

When they were younger I was still in control and could control most of what was going on in their life and their surroundings.

As they get older and go more on their own you lose that control. The problems become more than you can handle. You try to still guide them and it’s up to them to listen and to take that advice.

I have three children and they are all three completely different. What worked for one did not work for the other.

Parenting is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. They do not come with instruction manuals. I am not perfect by no means but I have always tried to keep pointing them toward the Lord!! My prayer is that they would always walk with the Lord!

As they get older and create their own lives, I have tried to learn to not give advice unless they ask. Which I can promise you is very hard for me. It‘a hard to watch your children make mistakes that is going to cause them hardships. We all make mistakes and hopefully we learn from those mistakes and lead better lives from it.

As a parent I have tried to keep them from making mistakes that will effect them for years to come but sometimes you just have to let them fall and be there to help them back up and hope them learn from it.

A friend of mine sent me a couple of books to read and I will say so far they do make some good points and give some good advice.

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